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Discovering Theology and Ministry Degree Programs: Which is the Right One For You?



Master of Theology (Th.M.)

You already have a theological master’s degree, but you’re discerning a call back to academics. Perhaps God is calling you to advanced study for the practical ministry you’re already in, or maybe you need training in an area you hadn’t previously studied. The Th.M. is a great program to deepen your understanding of God beyond the basics and even prepare for advanced study at the doctoral level.

The Master of Theology program at Perkins offers courses to help strengthen and enrich your ministry practice as well as deepen the theological insight you already have. You will have the opportunity to choose one of the following as a focus: 

  • The Biblical Witness
  • The Heritage & Context of Christianity
  • The Interpretation of the Christian Witness
  • The Theology & Practice of Ministry

 Although there are no explicitly required courses outside of focus classes, all courses you take must be at the upper division course level, so introductory courses are not eligible. 

To learn more about the requirements for admission and degree completion for the Th.M. click below.

As you discern if a Th.M. is right for you, talk to leaders in your church or denomination, contact a spiritual director, and enter a personal discernment process with God. 

Tripp (1)

“With a Th.M. I get to work with Perkins' first-rate faculty in these rich, exciting electives. Now I know I can apply to a PhD. Program with a greater sense of direction.” 

- Rev. Tripp Gulledge, 2025 Perkins Th.M. Graduate

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