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Discovering Theology and Ministry Degree Programs: Which is the Right One For You?



Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

If you are sensing a call to be a pastor, a chaplain, or fill a teaching role in the church a Master of Divinity is the next step to answering your call. Remember, God doesn't call the equipped. God equips the called. If you feel a little unprepared, don’t worry. Theological education is a wonderful tool God uses to teach the skills you need to become a successful church leader. 

If you feel led to become an Elder, an ordained leader who guides a congregation to God by teaching, preaching, and administering the sacraments in a mainline denomination, the M.Div. at Perkins is right for you.

Throughout the Master of Divinity program, you will take classes that strengthen and equip you for church leadership. Some of those classes include: 

  • Biblical Studies: dive deep into the Old and New Testaments
  • Theology:  an overview of fundamental Christian beliefs 
  • History of Christianity: from Catholicism to Protestantism 
  • Ministerial Studies: such as preaching and leading worship
  • Contextual Studies: explore Christianity through the lens of culture(s)
  • Electives: of your choosing

To learn more about the requirements for admission and degree completion for the M.Div. click below.

As you discern if an M.Div. is right for you, talk to leaders in your church or denomination, contact a spiritual director, and enter a personal discernment process with God. 

This degree is designed to meet the educational requirements for students pursuing ordination as an Elder within the United Methodist Church. We strongly encourage you to verify the curriculum with the ordaining body of your particular denomination before pursuing this degree to ensure it meets the educational requirements for ordination in your denomination.

M.Div. in Hybrid / Online

The M.Div. is also available in a hybrid format. LEARN MORE about the hybrid M.Div. offered at Perkins School of Theology.

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“I felt that Perkins was crucial to my own personal journey of deconstruction and my professional goal of gaining the credentials necessary to become a chaplain.

- ​​Michaela Calahan, M.Div. 2024

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