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Hybrid / Online Webinar

Hybrid that Comes to You

RSVP for May 13th to learn about an immersive hybrid program that prioritizes context and is innovating online theological education. 

Moving across the country is NOT your only option for theological education.

Learn more at our virtual information session on Tuesday, May 13 at 12:00 PM CST!

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  • Register on the form to the right ➡️
  • Mark your calendar to save the date
  • Check your email for confirmation
  • Watch for the Zoom link that will be sent the day before the event!

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Perkins Hybrid Details


At a glance, what does hybrid/online look like?

For the 75 credit hour Master of Divinity, five immersions will take place in-person, the remainder of the coursework is completed online. This format provides students a flexible and accessible option, so that they can continue in the vocational work that many Perkins students have already begun. 

What is an immersion in the hybrid format?

The in-person requirements of the M.Div. or M.A.M. are best thought about as immersions. Most immersions are week-long intensives, rooted in various ministry contexts that provide experience to accompany the rigor of the academic research. Rather than making the trek to the same city each time, as is the case with most hybrid programs, students have the chance to take classes in new cities, sometimes in their own backyard and sometimes around the globe.

Where are hybrid immersions taking place?

The sites for the hybrid program will change with each course. So, it may be easier to think of the immersion delivery as taking place through "mobile sites." This option allows us to reach you, where you are or for Perkins' hybrid to take you where you want to go. 

Why is Perkins' hybrid mostly online? Why not 100% online?

Well, it depends on what you need. If you simply want accountability for your theological reading, there are many 100% online options available to you. But if you are pursuing a masters degree because you want to develop close connections with other future leaders of the church, then there is still something important, even sacred, about in-person experiences. 


Where could Perkins' hybrid take you?


Hybrid and Online

For more information on what Perkins' format offerings, click the link below.

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Press Release

See what denominations across the nation are sharing about hybrid at Perkins.

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